Système Ruby Archlinux Contribution Libre 2014 | 08 | 04

Archlinux, Rmagick and HDRI

Earlier versions of Rmagick will not compile with newer version of imagemagick with --enable-hdri compilaton flag.

Contribution Libre Développement Ruby 2014 | 06 | 19

Bintje an OpenObject XMLRPC ruby client

Few month ago, I released Bintje, a minimal interface to OpenERP’s xmlrpc API. It is available on github, as a ruby gem, and can be included in the ruby class of your choice (as a Rails model for example).

Développement Javascript Angular 2013 | 12 | 03

Acessing AngularJS Scope from browser console

Times to times, one needs to interact with AngularJs at runtime (for debugging purpose …).

Développement Ruby Ruby on Rails 2013 | 10 | 16

Adavanced Rails authorizations with pundit

Pundit is a realy simple Ruby Gem, that does nothing more that you could have done yourself. Here is the power !